Getting Started

Today, share your WHY!

Why did you join Pomifera?

Let’s practice a little attraction marketing and set goals in place for our Healthy Start Program! Want to earn FREE products?

Make it your own!

Why Pomifera? Why Social selling? Sharing your story is so important. It’s not going to look like anyone else. We all do this for different reasons. Celebrate your wins. Share your journey! That will attract and inspire more people than you ever imagined.

Example: Freedom is my motivation. Spending my days with my babies is exactly why I started working from home. Thank you to everyone who supports my business. It means the world to me.

Remember to like and comment on EVERY comment that is made on your post. This will help build your algorithms!

PRO TIP: Include your post in your stories!

NOTE: You can create a story on Instagram and have it automatically sync to your Facebook Story as well! Work smarter, not harder!