Getting Started

Today, unveil your Business Box. Motivate and inspire, getting comfortable with what we are doing here at Pomifera. We are more than great products.

Make it your own!

Show off that Business Box through VIDEO! Go Live or post a pre-recorded video. Try doing a short Reel on Instagram! Going Live specifically can seem scary, but hear this! THEY WORK! Videos are one of the MOST EFFECTIVE tools for your business. Videos reach a larger amount of viewers. Videos keep it personal. Let yourself shine, be yourself, and watch your networks response! There is no need to sound like a salesman or an infomercial. Simply show your excitement. Keep it short and sweet. Excitement will get noticed and will be well received! People need to know what you have been up to! So, show off that pretty box of goodies.

Open invitation for your network to drop any questions in the comments on what led you to choosing Pomifera! Maybe even give a call-to-action for others to join you and run a fun side business with you!

(BONUS: post a picture of you in your stories holding your new box!)

Remember to like and comment on EVERY comment that is made on your post. This will help build your algorithms!

PRO TIP: Include your post in your stories!

NOTE: You can create a story on Instagram and have it automatically sync to your Facebook Story as well! Work smarter, not harder!