Getting Started

Today, show off some more before and after transformations, and get your PayQuicker account set up for your commission payouts.:

Post a story series and/or make an Instagram reel of Before and Afters. Ask questions that leave a spot for response. Remember, we want people in your inbox!

Example Questions:

  • Do you need a new anti-aging regimen?

  • Do you suffer with acne?

Ask questions, insert before and afters, and then leave an invitation for them to message you. Mention you are hosting an online event and would love to show them your new favorite products!

Don’t forget, this is the group where you can find before and after photos!

Click here to view group

Make it your own!

Remember to like and comment on EVERY comment that is made on your post. This will help build your algorithms!

PRO TIP: Create your PayQuicker account if you haven’t already! This is how you get paid! Click here to view instructions

NOTE: You can create a story on Instagram and have it automatically sync to your Facebook Story as well! Work smarter, not harder!