Getting Started

Today, celebrate a WIN, post your favorite product in your stories.

Make it your own!

Celebrate a WIN! Share anything you have done since you started your journey with Pomifera! Big or small. Let your network cheer you on and invite them on your journey. It’s also a great way to present the business opportunity.

Examples: I am so grateful to have helped 4 friends to take better care of their skin! OR Love to pay for my groceries with my new business! OR Love having a side Gig that allows me to have more play time with my daughter!

Don’t be shy about your success and your story! You deserve to celebrate!

Remember to like and comment on EVERY comment that is made on your post. This will help build your algorithms!

PRO TIP: Are you using your stories daily? They are a GOLD MINE! People are more likely to reply to your story and chat in messenger than comment on your post!

NOTE: You can create a story on Instagram and have it automatically sync to your Facebook Story as well! Work smarter, not harder!