Getting Started

Today, put up an interactive question to boost connection (AND algorithms), and educate your network on our DETOX: Charcoal Face Mask

Make it your own!

Ask a question! Interactive posts are great for engaging your audience. It can be ANYTHING!

-Do you prefer the beach or the pool?

-Would you paint this cabinet black or white?

It's called SOCIAL media for a reason. The more social you are, the more people will see your posts.


Next up, post about our facial exfoliant!

RESTORE: Facial Cleanser

Highlight the benefits in your post. Try and include a personal photo along with a Pomifera Photo App Photo to make it personal and professional. Share how you and your family (or others if you don't have it yet) use it!

Remember to like and comment on EVERY comment that is made on your post. This will help build your algorithms!

PRO TIP: Remember to utilize your Instagram and Facebook Stories feature. People are more likely to reply to your story and chat in messenger than comment on your post!

NOTE: You can create a story on Instagram and have it automatically sync to your Facebook Story as well! Work smarter, not harder!