Getting Started

Today, offer a bulk order for your locals to save on shipping and do a little self care while highlighting the body products.

Make it your own!

post instructions:


"I will be placing a bulk order for my locals to save you shipping $! I will be ordering this Friday night. If you have been curious about trying Pomifera, or need refills on anything, now is your chance to try some things AND save money. Let me know what I can grab for you!"

Some of many benefits of Pomifera Oil:



-Reduces the appearance of:

  • acne scars

  • scars

  • sun spots

-Deeply moisturizes

Bulk orders are a great way to save your local clients on shipping costs. Bulk orders are also a great way to showcase your customer service skills!

Benefits of bulk orders:

-Offering savings for customers

-Building relationships with customers

-Using those customer service skills

-You earn POINTS on all of your bulk orders!! This can be used for personal products, or even to get free products for giveaways!

-If your order meets the minimum purchase requirements for the monthly happy hour, you get a free product with your bulk order!

Remember to like and comment on EVERY comment that is made on your post. This will help build your algorithms!

PRO TIP: Self Care! Showcase your favorite body products! Include benefits, highlight collections and points!

NOTE: You can create a story on Instagram and have it automatically sync to your Facebook Story as well! Work smarter, not harder!