Getting Started

Today have some fun with another interactive post and spotlight our incredible Hair Oil.

Make it your own!

Interactive posts! Let's get our friends interacting and talking to one another! The algorithm on Facebook and Instagram is so important if we want people to see our content... which we do! Get them voting and chiming in with their opinions. Respond with a genuine comment or question.

Example Post

“Tell me something about yourself that sounds made up but is 100% true”

“If you had to marry your partner where you first met, where would the wedding be?

Highlight our Hair Oil

Make a post or story showcasing our Hair Oil. Include things like benefits, your personal results, cash back rewards, scent/etc.

Remember to like and comment on EVERY comment that is made on your post. This will help build your algorithms!

NOTE: You can create a story on Instagram and have it automatically sync to your Facebook Story as well! Work smarter, not harder!