Getting Started

Today, let's tell your network a little about yourself and give them a tip! People love free advice!

Make it your own!

Let your network get to know you a little bit by giving them some interesting facts about you -OR- selecting your favorite “This or That” item.

Here are a couple of fun options to choose from:

This or That –

Example: Soap Bar or Liquid Soap?

Lipstick or Lip Gloss?

Remember to like and comment on EVERY comment that is made on your post. This will help build your algorithms!

PRO TIP: Educate your audience with a Skincare fact or tip! Add a skincare graphic to your story. Remember, you want to add value to your network!

Example: Exfoliating your skin once a week increases cell turnover and unclogs pores.  

NOTE: You can create a story on Instagram and have it automatically sync to your Facebook Story as well! Work smarter, not harder!