Getting Started

Today we are focusing on boosting your algorithms! This is very important to keep your audience seeing your posts.

We are also going to post about our beloved HEAL: Body Oil

Make it your own!

Interactive post time! These are a great way to boost your algorithm! See who is liking/commenting on your posts and start a conversation with them. …not to make a sale, but to simply make a connection!

Example interaction post:

“What is something you have in your purse that you think no one has in theirs? Drop it in the comments👇”


“I own a ridiculous amount of…

Drop your answer in the comments👇”

*Need a bit of help? Remember, you can find inspiration from follow Pomifera Partners, your Direct Upline or any of our Pomifera communities*

Remember to like and comment on EVERY comment that is made on your post. This will help build your algorithms!

PRO TIP: Post about our Heal: Body Oil! This product sells itself. Create a story highlighting this ONE product and how you use it. You could do a quick video talking about why you love it so much and follow the video with before and after photos! Remember, stories do well when you keep them short. Include a poll or a question, and highlight the benefits of the product. Value value value! If you haven't used it yet, don't be afraid to post education + the results of others!

NOTE: You can create a story on Instagram and have it automatically sync to your Facebook Story as well! Work smarter, not harder!